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Maintained since 2005, the Islamic Studies Listserv is a cross-discipline, moderated broadcast channel for sharing information among researchers, professionals, experts, scientists, students, and the interested public. Members of the List come from all areas of interest with a focus on Islamic thought and institutions since the formative period of Islam. The list welcomes announcements regarding publications, conferences, events of interest to members. The Islamic Studies List broadcasts an average of two Digest emails per month.

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To subscribe, please enter your name and email address below, press “subscribe”, and then check your inbox for a confirmation email. You will not be added to the list unless you confirm your request.

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How to post to the list:

To limit the number of emails sent out to members of the List, please send your announcement to us using the contact us form, if approved, it will be included in the broadcast of the week.


Listing of Jobs, Fellowships, and Internships

For job listings as well as fellowship and internship opportunities, and to allow for wider public dissemination of open positions, we strongly encourage employers to post their announcements on this portal instead: Listing of Jobs, Fellowships, and Internships.





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