Marine Corps Gen. James Mattis, head of U.S. Central Command, says non-resolution of Israel-Palestine conflict exacts “steep price” on U.S. security matters.
Testifying before the Senate Armed Services Committee on 3/1/11, Gen. James Mattis, Commander, US Central Command (CENTCOM) spoke at length about the Middle East (view Video of the hearing). He noted that among a host of external influences on the CENTCOM area of operations, the “most significant” include issues related to Middle East Peace.
Key statements in General Mattis’ testimony:
Lack of progress in achieving comprehensive Middle East peace affects U.S. and CENTCOM security interests in the region. It is one of many issues that is exploited by our adversaries in the region and is used as a recruiting tool for extremist groups.
The lack of progress also creates friction with regional partners and creates political challenges for advancing our interests by marginalizing moderate voices in the region.
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