Is this what a world war between nuclear powers looks like?

On this platform, the 2011 war in Syria was characterized as a proxy war before it became obvious that it was so. Here, too, the war in Ukraine was characterized as a war between nuclear powers who cannot have direct military confrontation because of the danger of nuclear weapons that can be deployed. Now, with Read more

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The Religious factor in the war in Ukraine

Hosni Mahalli* Some Western commentators are now talking about Russian President Vladimir Putin’s efforts to revive the legacy of the Soviet Union, who previously said “its collapse caused the disintegration of historical Russia”. Others have pointed to Putin’s religious and sectarian calculations in his military intervention in Ukraine. The roots of these accounts go back Read more

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Zelensky’s Dream of a “Ukrainian Jihad”: Saudi Arabia is the incomplete link

by Hussein Ibrahim On social media, and some on mainstream media, many have raised the possibility of Islamist fighters arriving in Ukraine to fight against Russian forces, whether from Europe or the Middle East, especially after the Ukrainian president, Volodymyr Zelensky, announced the formation of a corps of foreign fighters, recalling memories of the “Afghan Read more

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The Ukrainian crisis is changing the world’s determinant actors

The world is facing a pivotal conflict that will separate history between the stage that preceded the Ukrainian crisis and the Russian military operation and its aftermath, due to the change created by this conflict in the global system and its repercussions on Europe and the Southwest Asia and North Africa. First: Effects on the Read more

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