Libyan and European rulers’ treatment of Blacks and immigrant workers: Apathy in the face of Cruelty

by Ahmed E. Souaiaia* Since the start of the Libyan uprising, mainstream news outlets have reported that African and even Eastern European mercenaries were fighting with Qaddafi’s forces. The Libyan rebels, eager to minimize any support for Qaddafi among the Libyan population, have fed western media horror stories of mass murder carried out by Black Read more

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A Middle East run by Islamists: Should Western Powers Freak Out?

by Ahmed E. Souaiaia* In 39 days, three Arab countries held critical elections, Tunisia (October 23), Morocco (November 25), and Egypt (November 28-9). Although the elections in these countries have different contexts and implications, the three events have several things in common. First, the elections were made possible directly or indirectly by the Arab Awakening Read more

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Loathed pandering and the appropriation of the legacy of victims of genocide

by Ahmed E. Souaiaia* The horrors of war and war crimes cannot be diminished by engaging in semantics especially when it comes to state sanctioned mass killings. It is criminal, it is genocidal, and states that engaged in such acts must be held to account. It is not a revenge mentality and it should not Read more

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